According to public relation, some total number of 18999 samples were received to the process department of RSCT out of which 17522 ones could meet all standard criteria to be cryopreserved. This means that more than 92% of the umbilical cord blood units delivered to RSCT have been stored successfully. Some of the samples are stored in two blood bags due to the high cell counts they hold of which the number rose up to 333 units in 2019. Taking into account the number of double-bag samples stored, we come to a total number of 17855 samples (94%) stored at RSCT and some number of 1477 ones (about 8%) which could not meet all standard criteria and hence were discharged from process and hence storage cycle. There are quite number of reasons leading to discharging of cord blood samples from process and storage cycle such as low volume of cord blood, low cell count (due probably to placenta age, physical conditions, pregnancy age, etc), microbiological contamination (which may include 3-5 %) and some more.
It should also be noted that out of total number of 18191 samples, some 15970 ones have been stored in 2017.