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Isabella is three-and-a-half years old, but just weeks ago, she said her brother's name for the first time. Her older brother, Matthew, 15, was diagnosed as a child with the same condition that she has: Childhood Apraxia Syndrome (CAS), which is a motor speech disorder. CAS results in problems saying sounds, syllables, and words because the brain has difficulty in planning to move the body parts that form speech, such as the lips, jaw, and tongue.

Isabella's parents, Steven and Rosa, are small business owners in Queens, New York, running a technology education business for children. Before Isabelle was born, they were considering the possibility of banking stem cells, thinking it may benefit their son. "We discovered that the amount of (cord) blood collected is often only enough for a young child," said Steven Barney.

They ultimately decided to bank Isabella's cord blood with, a private cord blood, cord tissue, and placenta tissue banking company. "We researched the cord blood transfusions being done at Duke University for Apraxia, and they had found some success. We had some initial hesitation, but you never know what the future holds." 

The Barney family traveled to Duke University where the company affiliates a laboratory, had shipped Isabella's stem cells in a cryopreservation tank. These tanks are kept at below -190 degrees Celsius, so that the cells within remain frozen during their journey from the lab to the treatment center. 

source: Americord
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