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          It should be stated that Iran enjoys great potentials in regard with tourism attractions and bringing her scientific achievements in the field of medical sciences into account, it can play a leading role in Middle East and become one of tourist destinations. Exploiting vast variety of climate and wild life conditions which are world famous in association with her first hand wild life and environment inspiring magnum opus of creation plus Iranians’ traditions and customs are the reasons why Iran can be the main tourist destination. Besides, the financial aspects of Health Tourism should not be ignored.

        To put all these potentials into effect, it demands all related officials, authorities and governors to get actively involved in this area and do their share and provide the most basic facilities for those reliable state and private enterprises who are interested in such phenomena so that the whole nation can draw benefit of the long term opportunities coming along. The absence of related organizations and officials was so explicit through this 2-day conference which we hope to be resolved in coming ones.

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