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As stated before, Royan Stem Cell Technology Co attended Oman Health Exhibition held on 9th, Sep, 2014, in Oman, Muscat. This 3-day scientific and commercial event brought together all manufacturers, commercial enterprises and communities involved and interested in medical instruments, human health and health tourism and provided fruitful opportunities of exchanging knowledge and experience among them happened and observed throughout the exhibition.

Royan delegate could also hold meetings with some of counterpart companies and opened discussions and negotiations over some mutual common issues. It also hosted Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran in Oman, Oman Health Minister and Cultural Deputy of Iran Embassy in Oman in its stand, representing great details about various aspects of the responsibilities it holds.

Among different achievements made through this exhibition, we can point to an article released by one of local newspapers called “Times of Oman” under the title of:

Iranian stem cell firm to begin operations in Oman


We regard this as a positive signal of our presence in the light of God’s guidance and wish to keep continue such a growing trend in all international scientific arenas.

To read more about this article the attached file to this news and to get a quick glance of the exhibition, we draw your kind attention to the photo gallery.

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