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Amniotic membrane mass production will be launched in Royan Stem Cell Technology Company in the next 4 months. Declaring it, Roxana Zavari, the head of biologic wound dressing project, stated that:” Amniotic membrane is the most interior layer in touch with amniotic liquid and the embryo and is a rich source of growth factors. This membrane is antibacterial and can be applied as anti-infection, anti-inflammation and pain killer.”
She later added:” The amniotic membrane can be used for healing diabetic chronic wounds, burn wounds type 2, the injuries caused as the result of pressure and skin improvement in patients suffering from EB.”
At present, the amniotic membrane is widely used all around the world in ophthalmology, dentistry, blood vessels surgery and so forth. The application of this membrane is so simple like just dressing a wound.
Zavari continued:” We, at Royan Stem Cell Technology Company, are enjoying the latest and the most updated methods and techniques according to the latest approaches and standards.”
Royan Stem Cell Technology Company has created a network of connections with number of hospitals in regard with applying the amniotic membrane manufactured by this company. Right now, various types of products are being manufactured by this company as per medical demands. Among hospitals taking advantage of amniotic membrane manufactured by Royan Stem Cell Technology Company, we can refer to Motahari Hospital on burn purpose, Modaress Hospital on diabetic foot wound and Royan Research Center for EB patients.

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