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            Royan Stem Cell Technology and Cord Blood Bank also attended in this Award and provided the visitors, of a wide range of social groups and levels, with both general and specific information and the latest achievements in regard with cord blood and stem cells which were represented by either Dr. Zarrabi, Managing Director of Royan Stem Cell Technology and Cord Blood Bank and the executive members whose presence was of great advantage for the visitors. 

           It also hosted the esteemed foreign guests in its stand held at the place of congress venue and even at the place of cord blood bank where they could receive an exhaustive view over different departments, procedures and activities conducted through various steps and was accompanied by Dr.Abroon’s explicit explanations. It should be noted that during this visit, a vast variety of topics was debated and a deep exchange of information came into existence.

          Later on, our honorable foreign guests were entertained with a dinner ceremony in an Iranian Traditional Restaurant under a pleasant, friendly and joyful atmosphere.

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